A technical report is a report that can contain technical information on any plan. A technical report writing may involve an analysis of the operation of some equipment or specific software. It should not be confused with the technological report.
A technological report may include information about the production: the number of orders received, the number of products that need to manufacture to fulfill all accepted orders, the number of raw materials required to produce all the necessary volume of products, etc.
The technical report does not apply to the financial statements of the enterprise, as it usually does not contain information about financial resources. Financial statements include a much more extensive list of generated reports.
Students of technical colleges and universities often receive an assignment to write a report, because this ability is essential for them. However, the process of Creativity in writing a technical report is not so simple and requires a lot of strength and skills.
Of course, you can contact essay writing services and order a custom-written paper online, but still, it is essential to learn how to write a report without any help.
In this article, we will tell you how to avoid mistakes in technical report writing.
Table of Contents
ToggleCommon Mistakes and Ways to Avoid Them
Read on, and you will find out what errors considered typical when writing a technical report, and how to avoid them:
The Incorrect Structure
Undoubtedly, every student knows that any document, article, essay, report, etc. must have a particular structure.
In different documents/materials, this structure varies, so you should study the requirements for writing a technical report, and then start thinking about a work plan, which will allow you to form the correct structure of the paper;
This error is quite standard in technical report writing. To avoid it, you need to express your thoughts concisely. Laconism involves revealing the topic with a minimum number of words. The principle of laconism should combine in reports with the requirement of completeness of the information.
It is crucial to recollect that the redundancy of unnecessary words, the heterogeneity of the information included in the document makes it difficult to perceive, and therefore reduces the credibility of the report.
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The Ambiguity of the Language
One of the conditions for a competent technical report is the clarity and unambiguity of the language. Lexical and grammatical violations and inaccuracies deprive the written communication of such an essential quality for technical papers as accuracy.
Accuracy is inextricably linked with literacy in the broad sense of the word, with the ability to choose the necessary terms and arrange them in the correct order. The word in the text of the document should be used only in one sense, adopted formal writing. Inattention to shades of values leads to a semantic violation in the text;
The Incorrect Word order in a Sentence
The informational role of word order in a sentence is of great importance. In oral speech, the most important word stands out intonational. In a written statement, the informational role of a word or phrase increases towards the end of a sentence.
The preparation of words in a sentence is resolute by the principle of linear presentation of the material. According to this principle, an auxiliary function is introduced into the sentence first, and then the main one. Words that carry the main load located after the predicate, and new words.
At the beginning of the sentence, before the verb. The meaning of the sentence variations, depending on where a particular phrase located. It should take into account while writing a technical report;
The presence of Grammatical, Lexical, and Orthographic errors
To avoid mistakes, inaccuracies, be sure to re-read the written technical report several times. We assure you that you will find many exciting things. Of course, there is not enough time, especially during the reporting period, but this rule should not neglect.
It is the final touch that will make your report perfect. The logical presentation of material in sentences is analyzed, wrong and unnecessary words replaced, accents placed, grammatical, lexical and orthographic errors eliminated at this stage.
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General Recommendations
It is necessary to draw conclusions that will help to overcome errors in technical report writing:
- Be concise, but persuasive
- Avoid platitudes and try to write originally
- Work with explanatory and dictionaries, encyclopedias of wise thoughts, dictionaries of folk wisdom. They will help you choose the exact word, draw the right conclusions, and teach you to write and think figuratively, accurately and briefly
- Do not lengthen phrases. Sentences should be concise
- Read successful peer reports. It will make it easier to master the formal writing style.
Thus, you have gained the necessary knowledge to write a technical report. Now you are ready to complete this task correctly!
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