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As a business owner, it’s crucial to have a robust online presence. A social media page, no matter how updated it is with curated content, is not enough. You also need a website, which is your very own business address on the web.
Your website should also be optimised for mobile, considering that millions of people in New Zealand and all over the world are now accessing the internet through their smartphones.
Another valuable asset you might want to consider adding to your online presence is a mobile app. It offers plenty of benefits, including seamless customer engagement and increased chances of conversion. However, you should also note that not all businesses will be able to reap all the rewards of an app.
So when should you actually get in touch with a trusted mobile app developer to get the ball rolling? Here are some signs that the time is right for your company to have an app:
Your Website Has Increased Mobile Traffic
If a large percentage of your website traffic is coming from mobile devices, it’s safe to say that they’re willing to engage with your brand through a mobile app.
Study your website statistics to determine which pages they’re visiting, the most active hours, and the time spent on each page. These details will help you personalise each customer’s experience. Try to make it as familiar as the mobile website for intuitive usage, yet also unique to give more value to the app.
Your Product or Service Can Be Improved by an App
One of the most important goals of a business is to provide products or services that help solve consumer problems. If, after research, you determine that developing an app won’t contribute to this goal, then it’s best to table it for the meantime.
On the other hand, if a mobile app can actually enhance how your customers experience your products or services, then it’s definitely a good investment. For example, if you have a delivery service, a mobile app can make it easier for buyers to track their orders and get in touch with the delivery personnel.
You Can’t Replicate Certain Functions on a Website
In relation to the above, one indicator that your company needs an app is if the service you provide can’t be replicated exactly on a website. A good example here is ride-hailing. Sure, it’s easy to create a booking service online. However, having a mobile app creates a more seamless, user-friendly experience with location tagging, messaging, and other features incorporated in a single interface.
If all the functionalities that you will put in the app are already doable on a website and the app won’t offer something new, then it’s not worth the investment.
Your Customers Are Young
According to various reports about internet habits, the 18 to 24 and 25 to 34 age brackets are leading the charge in terms of app usage. There’s also a significant portion of millennials who have installed shopping apps on their smartphones to maximise promotional offers, rewards points, and discounts.
Thus, it’s clear that these specific consumers have a preference for mobile experiences. And, if most of your customers belong to these age groups, it’s a good sign to push through with a mobile app.
Also Read: 6 ways to integrate automation into your ecommerce business
Your Business Is E-Commerce
According to data from Statista, worldwide retail e-commerce sales amounted to USD 4.28 trillion in 2020. This figure is expected to balloon up to USD 5.4 trillion by 2022. This, along with the fact that millions of users are now mobile-first, should be enough of a reason to convince you to develop an app if you have an e-commerce business.
Granted, you can also provide a pleasant shopping experience through an e-commerce website. However, the number of mobile shoppers is increasing every year. Thus, accommodating them with an app can drastically grow your profits.
Of course, don’t forget to collect and analyse your website data before taking the plunge. This will help you develop an app that your customers will truly love.
You Require Customers to Log In to Use Your Service
If you require your customers to sign up and log in to their accounts to use your services, it’s a good idea to develop an app. It’s easier to do these steps on a mobile device, especially if you give people the option to link their email or social media for easier registration and login.
In addition, if your product or service is designed to be used on the go, then you should definitely have an app for it. Consider making some features exclusively available on the app, so that there’s more incentive to download.
Your Competitors Have an App
Finally, a good sign that it’s time for your business to have an app is if all your competitors have one. If you don’t keep up with them, it’s likely that you’ll be left behind.
Of course, do your due diligence and conduct thorough research. A competitive analysis is particularly important, so your app can improve on what’s working and avoid what’s not.
A smartphone app requires a lot of investment, so it’s only logical to be absolutely sure that you need one before going ahead with development. Hopefully, this list has helped you determine this for your own business.
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