The Next Generation of Mobile Computing -Innovation goes beyond From smartphones, connected cars, portable devices to smart cities, the innovation of mobile technology continues to evolve, creating a better life for human beings, while deeply changing the relationship between human beings and objects.
During the Global Device Summit, where the most hot topics and trends in the industry were analyzed, leaders and experts from the international and local telecommunications and mobile industry shared their visions and perspectives on the future development of smart devices. The CEO of Huawei Consumer BG, Richard Yu, stressed that “the next generation of mobile phones will be known as ” Supertphones ” and will appear in 2020 to revolutionize our lives.”
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ToggleHuawei Technology
As a leading technology company, Huawei is committed to innovation and Research & Development (R & D) that has enabled resources in the key technologies of the ‘Superthone’ to drive the future development of the intelligent connection between the virtual world and reality. Over the past ten years, Huawei invested a total of 190 billion yuan in R & D, presented 65,000 patents and has become the birthplace of first-class technology experts. The Next Generation of Mobile Computing In the field of mobile communications, Huawei will expand its investment in innovation and R & D and will continue to drive the future development of the intelligent connection between the virtual world and reality.
“In the next 12-year cycle, we are encouraged to predict that the Mobile Computing relationship between mobile phones and human beings will become closer, evolving towards a synthesis of man with his world. At Huawei, we believe that the next generation of mobile phones will be the ” Supertphones ”, which will emerge around 2020, and will reveal a new era, connecting the physical and virtual realities, “said Richard Yu.
As in a neurological evolution, the intelligence of the future will also advance from a primary to a more advanced level, from simple to complex, supported by large volumes of data and cloud computing.
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These are the 4 keys of the ‘Superthone’ that, according to Huawei, will allow humans to become Superhumans:
1. The ‘Superthone’ acquires the Six human senses in Mobile Computing
Through the development of sensors, object recognition technology and 3D scanning, among others, the ‘Superthone’ will constantly improve its perception of human beings, objects and the environment, creating a virtual reality that reflects the physical world. Truth be told, many sensor technologies are similar to the senses of humans and creatures. In the future, taste sensors will be able to differentiate flavors and integrated hearing aids with artificial intelligence will be able to identify the origin and distance of sounds.
Huawei’s portable devices are currently being integrated with various sensors that can monitor the user’s status, for example if they are sleeping, running or practicing mountaineering and recording the data accurately.
More specialized sensors will be developed in the future and the integration or synchronization of the ‘Superthone’ with these sensors will be an advance towards the virtualization of reality. For example, sensors for blood sugar levels and blood pressure can help take care of our health. Also, air quality monitoring and geographic positioning can replace our dependence on maps.
2. Create the “Superhuman” through the Internet of Things
The intelligence of the ‘Superthone’, the human brain and its perceptions of the world will be connected. Gradually, this world will become a huge network, connecting man with man, man with object and object with object, creating, ultimately, the Internet of Things. So, it is not difficult to imagine, if we connect the limited amount of data gathered from each person, a collective ‘Superstructure’ with intelligent, perceptive and even creative capacities will be created. The Internet of Things is the platform on which the “Superstructure” will be developed.
To manage all this data in the Internet of Things, the interconnection of users, home devices and vehicles under different circumstances will require a unified multi-protocol system. An example of this is MirrorLink, which can already facilitate communication between your car and the smartphone.
3. A symbiotic association of man and device
The ‘Superthone’ will have a more advanced intellect thanks to the constant improvement of large volumes of data, artificial intelligence, contextual intelligence and cloud computing, eventually creating the symbiotic association of man and device. In addition, the ‘Superthone’ will develop language and self-learning skills, registering changes in people and the environment, to better understand the needs of human beings. It will gradually evolve from being a tool that helps users to perform tasks to one that performs them for users, including advising and guiding them.
4. Interaction between supertphones and humans
In the future, RA / RV (augmented reality / virtual reality), immersion in virtual reality and holography will be the key technologies that allow a natural interaction between man and device. The application of the technology of RV and RA reinvents the concept of “seeing to believe” simulating visual, auditory and tactile sensations, among others. This technology allows to simulate real circumstances without restrictions of time and space.
The Next Generation of Mobile Computing -Innovation goes beyond, Huawei has already implemented resources to develop key technologies for the ‘Superthone’. They include Perception Technology, such as sensors, object recognition and 3D scanning; Intelligence Technology, for example, analysis of large volumes of data, artificial intelligence techniques and circumstantial intelligence platforms; Connection Technology, such as the Internet of Things platform, multiple devices (various communications between humans, cards and home), network standards (UMTS / LTE / WIFI); and Interactivity Technology, for example the 360 degree RA / RV immersion experience.
The introduction of the concept ‘Superthone’ by Huawei, redefines the infinite possibilities generated by the synthesis of human and devices. The ‘Superthone’ also establishes the multiple integration of innovation, which will be the most important trend in the intelligent devices of the future where everything will be connected, with the synthesis of man and device.
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The Next Generation of Mobile Computing -Innovation goes beyond
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