Hello, world!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…
If this is how you plan on leaving your first blog post, you might not enjoy all those benefits of blogging that everyone is talking about. This random text may be an excellent template to help you see how posts will be formatted, but it’s the kind of generic stuff that will make visitors want to leave immediately. It doesn’t speak for who you are as a business, nor does it show that you care about details or go the extra mile to establish a close connection with your audience.
Your website blog is an extension of your brand’s voice. It’s a fantastic tool that can help boost engagement rates, stay in touch with your audience, announce the news, lower the bounce rate, improve your SEO, and, ultimately, increase sales.
According to recent research, 71% of buyers read a blog while on their buyer journey, so you really shouldn’t neglect what you post here. Everything should be well-thought-out in advance, based on a long-term content marketing strategy.
If you’ve set up your company blog, you probably have a list of topics ready, based on competitive keywords and audience research. But, before you get into those, what should your first post be? Should you introduce yourself or get straight to business?
Some are so confused about their first blog post that they keep postponing the website launch!
Well, you have many options to choose from, but one thing is for sure: you cannot leave a generic placeholder there. It would help if you had something compelling, something memorable, something that deserves to share on social media.
Here are three ideas to help you start your business blogging journey on the right foot:
Also Read: How to Create a Student Blog?
Table of Contents
Toggle1. Introduce Yourself
The old reliable introductory post is the most popular way of introducing your new brand to consumers. It’s safe, tried and tested the idea that works for every business, regardless of the niche. Whether you have an online fashion store, a tech company, a marketing company, or anything else, a first post where you introduce yourself is a great way for potential clients to get to know you.
Remember that hundreds of new companies launched every day, and blogs aren’t something out of the ordinary. Writing a personal, heartfelt post will bring you closer to your audience so that they don’t feel you’re just another faceless corporation.
Putting down the first sentence can feel a bit awkward, and you might get the same vibes as in school when the teacher asks you to stand up and say a few words about yourself. Here are a few ideas you can build from:
- Describe your company and how you got started: what made you get into this business, what your mission statement is, etc.
- Briefly describe your products and services, how to use them, what makes them stand out.
- Introduce your team. Modern customers prefer businesses that appear as human and authentic. Seeing the faces behind the company can help them get familiar with you. You don’t have to share photos of you if you don’t want to. A short, creative bio accompanied by a cartoon-like illustration of yourself can do the trick too!
2. Write about a Newsworthy Topic.
Writing about something newsworthy that’s happening in your industry at the moment is not only a great way of showing that you are an informed professional, but also enjoy some traction on search engines. News tends to get more clicks, so by addressing a topic that has a lot of searches, and you could get quite a lot of people to your blog. But this only works if something newsworthy happened, so it might not work for all fields. For example, tech, healthcare, and fashion are perfect examples of industries where something changes every day, so you should tap into that potential.
Also Read: 6 Tips for Building a useful Blog for your Small Business
3. Think outside the box
Most introductory posts not written for excellent SEO performance, but rather to have something nice published instead of the classic Lorem Ipsum. However, if this safe approach isn’t consistent with your brand’s image, and you’ve made it one of your goals to break the rules and be different, then don’t be afraid to think outside the box. So, go ahead, challenge the norms on what people expect from a brand’s first blog post: post a vlog from your crazy launch, document your Guerilla marketing campaign, or post a funny story about how you decided to start the company. Who knows, you might go viral!
General tips for writing your First Blog Post:
- Adapt the style to the platform where you’ll push it: For example, if you plan on pinning in on Pinterest, you should insist on the visual side and add plenty of catchy images. Still, if you plan on posting it on LinkedIn groups, you should focus more on the informational side and try to answer as many of your readers’ questions as possible.
- Give your readers an idea of your writing style: So they know what to expect from future posts. If you write your first post on a humorous note, they’ll expect others to be the same, so if then you switch suddenly to a professional tone, that might put them off.
- Don’t worry if your blog post isn’t perfect: The first post will be pushed down in search results anyway, and your style will get better as you continue to write.
- Don’t try to be too promotional right from the start: You’ll have plenty of opportunities to do that in the future. Focusing too much on advertising will come across as tone-deaf so, instead, use your first post to create a connection with your readers.
No matter which of these ideas you decide to use for your first blog post, remember the #1 ground rule: know your audience. Everything you write needs to be relevant for your audience’s age, location, hobbies, and preferences, so, while you’re free to pick whichever topic you want, the angle from which you approach it must be appropriate.
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